Updating classification project

Cochrane Airway is in the process of applying the Cochrane updating classification system to all our reviews. The Updating Classification System (UCS) “guides readers as to whether a Cochrane Review is up to date, likely to be updated in future, or does not need updating at the current time. The system can also help Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) with prioritisation decisions for individual Cochrane Reviews. The UCS follows a decision framework that asks about the usage and currency of the review question, the availability of new studies or information, and how new information would impact on the review; and also whether new methods will make important changes to the review.”

As of 13 June 2018 we have classified 142 reviews (40%). We began by running searches for reviews where our information specialist, Liz Stovold, knew there were unlikely to be any studies. Liz ran searches and as a team, Liz, Becky, and Emma, screened these searches and applied classifications. We then applied classifications to the reviews which had been published in the last 12 months, and apply a classification on all new reviews and updates. We have started to involve authors in screening searches to decide whether the review is in need of updating to allow us to apply a classification.

The classifications are currently not available on the Cochrane Library unfortunately, but will hopefully be rolled out in 2019, if not by the end of 2018. Therefore you may download a report showing the classifications made by Cochrane Airways as of 13 June 2018 here . If you are producing a guideline, we are able to provide you with an up-to-date list of classifications which may help you in assessing whether there is any new evidence since the last published Cochrane Review (contact us).

Process for screening search for updating classification project

  1. Liz runs search and provides search results as RIS for import into screening software (we recommend Rayyan)
  2. Author/volunteer screen search (one author screen is fine, in duplicate better)
  3. Author/volunteer screener contacts the Managing Editor (Emma Dennett) to discuss whether there were any new trials and if an update is desirable. In order to save information about the results of the search, please complete the below paragraph and return when you email along with the referecnes for any potentially eligible studies.
  4. Managing Editor apply updating classification and records information about new search in review.
  5. Author to update review if agreed. Please note that screening the search does not commit you to update the review.

Paragraph to explain search process for inclusion in the review
Please note: This paragraph will be published as a 'What's new' event in the review together with a list of 'studies awaiting classification'. This allows us to record who has screened the search for transparency and to allow a judgement about whether the search needs to be re-screened in the future if the review is to be updated.

"A search update was run on [insert date] in the Cochrane Airways Trial Register [or list alternate database(s)] by Elizabeth Stovold (Information specialist, Cochrane Airways). The search returned x records. We (insert names) screened an update search.
X records were excluded on the basis of title and abstract. X were retrieved in full text. [We found X potentially eligible studies added to Characteristics of studies awaiting classification/we found no eligible studies*]. [We have decided not to update the review at this time/an update of the review is pending*]."
*delete as appropriate

An example paragraph: A search update was run on 9 May 2018 in the Cochrane Airways Trial Register by Elizabeth Stovold (Information specialist, Cochrane Airways). Elizabeth Stovold and Rebecca Normansell (CoEd Cochrane Airways) screened the update search. The search returned 28 records. Twenty six records were excluded on the basis of title and abstract. Two were retrieved in full text. We found two small studies (Jones 2016; Huddah 2018) added to Characteristics of studies awaiting classification. We have decided not to update the review at this time.